
All the news that you desire in one place

Web App

Take a closer look

Easy to find

Everything in Newsreadeck is automatically syncs across all your devices when you're login.

Modern design

Keep It Simple, and clean to bring you real value.

Distraction-free reading

All distractions have been removed, leaving you to focus on the article itself.



You can listen to the news. Newsreadeck will read them for you.



Everything in Newsreadeck is automatically syncs across all your devices when you're login.


Frequently Asked Questions

Addresses common customer queries about Newsreadeck app

It's free?

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YEAH. Newsreadeck is 100% free. We don't charge anything and we don't show advertising.

Do I need to register to use the application?

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NO. Newsreadeck does not require any registration. Registration is optional and allows you to sync your data across any device. Because we're not using your iCloud space, the only way to know "what you're tracking" is to do an optional sign-up.

Are the articles free of distractions?

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YEAH. Newsreadeck has technology that allows most articles to eliminate any distractions, so you can focus only on what the article says. Additionally, we added an extra tool to help you design the article display as you want, being able to set the color, size and font style you want.

Can I listen to the news?

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YEAH. Newsreadeck allows you to listen to the article in its original language, with just one touch.

How many sources of information can I add to my account?

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Unlimited. Newsreadeck allows you to add as many sources as you want. Discover new sources, follow what you like most.

Is there a version for iPad or MacOS?

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Going up. At Newsreadeck, we are working to add support for iPad and MacOS devices. We are creating a special design for each one to take advantage of the screen size and gestures.

Is my iPhone compatible?

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Safely. We built Nesreadeck to support iOS 13 (iPhone, iPod touch) and above. We like old devices and supporting as many devices as we can is our first priority.

How do I get the app for my device?

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SIMPLY. Search for Newsreadeck in the App Store or click any of the buttons that say "Download" within this web page.

Is there an Android version?

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No. Unfortunately, there are no plans to add support for Android devices at the moment.

I have a suggestion for you

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EXCELLENT. At Newsreadeck we love that users contact us with their questions or suggestions. You can send an email with your comment to: suggestion@newsreadeck.com.

Download it now

Read all the articles you want without distractions for FREE. Follow any newspaper/magazine or portal news from around the world. Enjoy to be always on top of the news.

Newsreadeck is available as a FREE iPhone app on the App Store.